Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Corrigan asks

Isaac, I'm making a movie about adopted kids, but you probably already knew that. What's it like to be adopted but live in the country you were born in instead of the country your parents were born in? –Corrigan Clay

rough draft:

Dear Mr. Corrigan,
Living in the same country I was born in is pretty much the same. (You know, because I was born here and now I am here. It's just normal in a way.) It's just different that in America you don't see as much poverty like you do in Haiti. I only lived in Minnesota for three years when I was very small. Haiti seems normal to me. Thanks for asking me. I bet your movie will be very good.

1 comment:

  1. I love the edits you made to this...and I bet his movie will be very good too!!! Keep it up Isaac!


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