Thursday, June 21, 2012

SophieSara asks

Isaac, Thanks for sharing all of your fabulous insight! I had sent a question awhile back regarding what you think makes a great teacher. It would be helpful to have your answer this week if possible since I will be training teachers in Haiti this weekend. Blessings to you young man! 

Quoting Isaac - "Hmmmm. So Sophie Sara is going to train teachers. That sounds like it might be hard."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your insightful response dear Isaac. I will certainly share this with the teachers that I am working with this weekend. It will be valuable that it is coming from a young man that is a similar age to the students that they work with each day. I am hoping to attend Port au Prince Fellowship on Sunday morning, and if I do (and you are there), I hope to connect with you and let you know how the teacher training if going!


Hi! I'm Isaac. Ask me anything!